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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter is a Great Time to Groom your Cat

Did you know that we groom Cats at The Grey Cottage Pet Spa?
Although many groomers do not, I particularly love to groom cats. I've owned cats all of my life, and am always fascinated by their intriguing ways, independent personalities and affectionate antics. Two of my girls (sisters) are now 18 years old, and for several years now, have had increasing difficulty grooming themselves. Although they are sisters, one is short haired and the other long. My long haired tends to get mats frequently, no matter how often I comb her out. When this happens, I know it's time for a good bath and de-shedding treatment. Mats are best removed with clippers, unless they are loose enough to be combed out. (Mats should NEVER be hand cut out of a cat with scissors, as the risk of cutting their tissue paper like skin is too great.) And her sister, although short haired, gets flaky and dry every so often, so she gets a nice bath and comb out as well to stay looking and feeling great.
However, it's not only older cats that need help with grooming. My 3 year old rescued male (domestic short hair), also tends to get dry and flaky in the winter. While I do comb him on a regular basis to help reduce his shedding, he still needs a good bath to remove loose hair and dander, and to allow his skin to breathe. He always looks and smells wonderful after his bath and tends to strut around, to show off his handsome new self.

Grooming is an important part of your cats health
. Having your cat professionally groomed once or twice a year (for most domestic breed cats...usually more often for long hair breeds) will help them maintain a clean and healthy coat, and will give you a clean and happy cat. Call me for more information about cat grooming options, or visit the cat page on our website.

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