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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We are VERY excited to announce that the newest line of Everyday Paws products has arrived at The Grey Cottage Pet Spa - and these are exclusive to us!! Everyday Paws has a fabulous line of fashionable and functional pet products including: Vera Barkley bags, fashion Shirt Collars & Bowties (pictured here on Ariel), fleece dog scarves, and more! All products are of quality materials and are proudly handmade, right here, in Webster, NY.

Hurry in for the best selection and don't forget about all of those dog owners on your Christmas list! The Grey Cottage Pet Spa gift certificates are the PERFECT gift for you pet loving friends, pet sitters, vet receptionist, mail carrier, or anyone on your list!

Imagine that! I'm a Labrador Retriever. Take this fun quiz to find out what breed you are...

What dog breed are you? I'm a Labrador Retriever! Find out at Dogster.com